Utmost Pledge of Victory

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Type: Dawning Sun Indomitable-class heavy battlecruiser

Rating: N/A, + Lightning Ballista •••

Magical Material: Multiple, First Age alloys.

Attuned: (Unattunable).
Fleet: Imperial Navy Air Fleet (flagship)

Captain: Archinavarch Ragara Feria

The Utmost Pledge of Victory is the flagship of the Imperial Navy Air Fleet and the vessel of its fleet admiral Ragara Feria when she takes to the field. When it is in its home port of Chanos, it occupies a central place on the docks, its trimaran hull of organic crystal glistening below massive sails marked with the mon of the Realm and House Peleps. It is a sight to be seen by any visitor to Chanos, or so the locals will tell you.

Those versed in matters magitech know it to be a Dawning Sun Indomitable-class battleship, and can note the damaged areas of its hull plugged with wood and the rigging replacing its missing paddlewheel drives, the only essence weapon it can bring to bear a fore-mounted lightning ballista with its other weapons onagers and sailcutters of mundane make.