Mockingbird Music Box

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A richly decorated wind-up music box, it appears mundane unless someone near it says the name of a piece of music it knows, in which case it will start playing that song, with a slightly tinny tone. It memorize new songs if told to, but it only takes orders in Old Realm, and it can't imitate the sounds of specific instruments, only the melody.

These devices were once common amongst Creation's wealthy mortals during the Golden Age, though their imperfect imitation meant the Exalted sought superior artifice or bound spirits for these duties. The ability of I AM to transmit music on request meant the music boxes were replaced, moving out to the hinterlands of Creation and the poorer mortals who lived there.

In the Age of Sorrows, the Boxes are valuable treasures, particularly among musicians, for while clockwork craftsfolk like the Varang can produce boxes which reproduce one or more songs, the ability to memorize and then repeat a melody is invaluable for learning (and stealing) new compositions.

Source: Adapted from original by Arbane the Terrible on