Ragara Ikkyu

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Type: Dragonblooded

Aspect: Earth.

Titles: Crazy Cloud (Immaculate Style).

Residence: Imperial Palace

Elderly defrocked Immaculate residing in the Imperial Palace. Ikkyu is renowned as a vocal proponent of the Transcendant Heresy of undefined enlightenment, and for his excellent poetry that blends together sexual and religious themes.

Ikkyu graduated the Cloister of Wisdom, and returned to serve as its headmaster, lasting only a few days before he resigned and was defrocked. Following excommunication by the Palace Sublime, Crazy Cloud spent some time travelling the Threshold, residing for several years in Wu Jian, before returning to the Imperial Palace as an artist under patronage of the Scarlet Empress, who seemed amused by the discomfort his presence caused both the Immaculate Order and House Ragara.

Ikkyu is the author of a number of religious texts and books of poetry, including Irreverence in Verse.