Watchful Pinnacle

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Rating: • 

Aspect: Air

Hearthstone: Stone of Quick Thought

Attuned: ?


The Watchful Pinnacle is a minor manse dating from the First Age, one of dozens (if not hundreds) of such constructions built to cap minor Essence confluences and serve the armies of the Realm. It served as a garrison post for patrolling units in the region, where a force of mortal soldiers under Terrestrial command might rest and resupply or keep watch if tensions in the local area were deemed high. Though beneath the attention of the Celestial Exalted, the manse nonetheless maintained quarters and offices for such in case one arrived on an inspection tour.

Near the close of the High First Age, the commander of the Pinnacle was the Solar General Scourge of Woe. The General had been instrumental in organizing the system of relay bases and mobile patrols which made use of manses such as the Pinnacle, but as the Curse gripped tighter on his mind he became increasingly paranoid, convinced that his political enemies in the Deliberative and other Celestial Exalted wished to slay him and usurp his position. He placed small stockpiles of artifacts and equipment in the posts under his control, boltholes where he might regroup in the event of betrayal.

His Terrestrial officers were so far beneath his notice that a betrayal at their hands had never even been considered, and Scourge of Woe was slain during the Usurpation before ever retreating to his stockpiles. The manse was stripped of its weapons by the Dragonblooded as they departed to join the power struggles of the early Shogunate, and it was left abandoned.


The Pinnacle is a slender tower of smooth grey-white stone, standing on the high ground of a cliff above a river, well positioned to watch boat traffic and the surrounding plain from the watchtower (13) and battlements (12). Several firing ports and positions are present on the ground floor for heavier weapons such as essence cannons (14A) or implosion bows (14B) to support fire from garrisoned troops. Barracks exist for a scale of troops (3), as well as a mess hall/common room (1A) and kitchen (1B) and training room (5) which still retains many of its First Age mechanisms. A workshop (2) once existed for maintenance of the garrison’s magitech equipment, but its valuable contents were stripped long ago. An observation room looks out over the river below (9) through high, open arches. Individual or double rooms are provided for junior officers (6), with more opulent chambers for a visiting Celestial Exalt (4) accessible through the central hearthstone chamber (8), itself accessed via the commander’s offices (7). A stairway links the first and second floors (10), and a spiral staircase (11) rises to the watchtower itself. Most doors within the manse are light, usually left slid open to allow free flow of air, but some are heavier (15) to resist bombardment. The heaviest such doors close the ground entrance (16A), with further security around the entrance hallway including firing ports for archers (16B) and the manse’s trapdoor system (16C). In the First Age, support structures outside the facility itself included an outer wall, stables, barracks for civilian servants, and a landing dock to accommodate lighter skyships, but these have been scavenged and corroded out of existence in the present day.


Attunement Recognition (0)

Basic Senses (0)

Cosmetic Displays (0) – The walls of the pinnacle’s hearthstone chamber glow with a soft blue light, swirling white patterns reflecting the strength of the wind outside. The bearer may will the walls to instead glow to represent the light of Sol Invictus as He crosses the sky, fading back to blue as He sets. The walls of the observation chamber may also shift from matte white to mirrors at the will of the hearthstone bearer.

Magical Convenience (1) - An advanced training room with automated target dummies capable of advanced combat simulation.

Minor Tricks and Traps (1) – Trapdoors. Trapdoors located in the entrance hallway open when characters step on them. The unfortunates are conveyed through the manse’s sewage chute into the river flowing below the manse. A catch in the hearthstone room deactivates the trap.