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Source: Second Edition Core, pp. 348.

Raiton are birds, appearing at a glance to be larger versions of Crows, though revealed at closer inspection to have toothed beaks and scales along their backs and brows, with wingspans upwards of three feet.

Raiton are scavengers and omnivores, and will eat anything, from fruit to carrion. They will even hunt small prey, tearing them apart while still alive. They are particularly drawn to battlefields and other sites of mass death, where they can feast at will. Eyeballs are favoured over other parts.

Raiton are aggressive and cruel in demeanour. Large flocks ('murders') of raiton will gather over carrion and drive away larger scavengers such as eagles, Vultures, or Condors, and have even been known to attack adult humans.

Raiton are found across Creation, though in West and South they come only in small numbers. They are far more numerous in the North and East, including the River Province, and have moderate presence on the northern Blessed Isle. They are also one of few amongst Creation's creatures who are willing to dwell within the bounds of Shadowlands.