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Glowstone is a rare and highly valuable gem found at various points across Creation. It comes in the form of smooth ovals, which glow brightly with an internal light but produce no heat.

This property makes them highly valuable for illuminating interiors, as they produce no smoke or risk of fire and require no Essence be inputted for them to operate. The wealthy across Creation use glowstones to decorate their homes, the greatest number found in the villas of the Scarlet Empire’s Dynasty, and they are also popular with manse architects.

Glowstones of spindle shape have also been found, though these are very rare, and are in high demand as light sources for the instruments of engineers and archaeologists.

There are a number of different colours of glowstone, found in different locations throughout Creation:

Red --- Gem, Varangia.

Orange --- Gem.

Blue --- Gethamane, Crystal & Diamond Hearth (Haslanti League).

White --- Juche Prefecture.

Yellow --- Gem, Paragon.