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Latest revision as of 15:43, 3 November 2017

The Harmonious & All-Embracing Division of Peace is an assembly of the five Directional Peace Gods, under chairmanship of the Celestial Minister of Harmony, to direct peace across Creation. The Division of Peace’s work is linked with the Bureau of Destiny’s Division of Serenity, its Directional Gods answering to the Bearer of the Lapis Ewer as well as the Shogun of Abstract Matters, coordinating with the Righteous & Indefatigable Division of War.

Each of the Directional Peace Gods also maintains an office, consisting of both lesser gods of peace and others who have been brought in due to complementary purviews or serving the personal agendas of their Directional Peace God. Together, these offices provide the Division with a larger bureaucracy to deliver reports on peace and pacifying intiatives seen across Creation. At times, gods from these offices are assembled together to form Coordination Groups considering particular iterations or structures of peace, though as they create powerbases from which usurpers might launch bids for promotion, the Directional Gods tend to force these to be disbanded once their responsibilities are complete.

In the Primordial Era, the Division of Peace and its Minister Yo Ping reported directly to the Unconquered Sun, but divine politics shifted as the Most High withdrew from direct administration of Heaven and by the time of the Great Contagion the peace gods (many serving within the Bureau of Humanity) had been formally moved to the Department of Abstract Matters.

For membership information, refer here.