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The Crossroads Parable is a passage of the Immaculate Texts, telling of the time when the Immaculate of Wood Sextes Jylis wandered Creation sowing his seeds and healing a land torn by the war against the Anathema.

"In his travels through the East one day, Sextes Jylis came upon a spirit of the road. This was no uncommon occurrence, for in every turn and every measure the gods have their place, but this crossing was different: this spirit had come forth and taken control of a crossroads, and where the god was demanding all who passed to sacrifice to it, paying great taxes in prayer and treasure for the upkeep of its path.

"Is this not outside your domain?" asked Sextes Jylis gently when the spirit blocked his passage. "Should you not merely dwell in support of the road, as the branch supports the bud which shall transform itself into a flower? It is the task of mortals, and of the Exalted, to keep the road, so people may pass along it -- not you. You must respect their place, and wait for them to fulfill their duty."

"The Exalted have not kept my road clean," snarled the spirit, who took the form of a great dog-like beast. "And why should I be subordinate to them? I am no low-status elemental, to be compelled by their sorceries. They cannot control me."

At this, Sextes Jylis stood tall and let his true form shine through for but a moment. As he did, the air all about smelled of growing things, flowers and leaves and forests after rain. "Great Dragon of Wood!" gasped the spirit, falling back in dismay.

Still Sextes Jylis's voice was gentle as he addressed the spirit for one last time. "The Exalted have not yet cleaned your road, as they are occupied with matters far greater. You do not fall beneath their notice; they will fulfill their duty; do not fear. It is not their power or force that should compel you, but your own righteousness.

But if they hear of your antics, they will come and destroy you, with my blessing. Aspects of Wood are my servants, as Aspects of the other Elements serve my fellow Dragons, and though they may not bind you, still they will enforce our displeasure. You must keep the road properly because it is your place in the Perfected Hierarchy of Heaven and Earth; anything else will only lead to sorrow."

At this, the spirit bowed its great head and submitted; and so its destruction was averted.