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Latest revision as of 19:37, 15 July 2016

The Call for the Wrath of Creation against the Barbaric and the Profane was a bill passed by the Deliberative at the end of Ascending Water RY763, in response to events unfolding in the War With the Bull. While detailed knowledge of events in the War was scarce on the Blessed Isle, many Senators had learned of the destruction of the Rokan-jin and Talinin cities and the desire to mete out terrible vengeance was high. The Call was sponsored by Tepet Aedmillia and Ledaal Martia, and in content conveyed a request from the Deliberative and ‘all of Creation’s people’ for the Scarlet Empress to unleash her wrath upon those who endangered Creation. The implication was clearly that the power of the Imperial Manse be used against the Bull of the North, though no specific method, target, nor even region is named in the text.

The debate was somewhat contentious, a number of Senators who had been opposed to House Tepet’s domination of the campaign using the opportunity to accuse the Legions in the North of ineptitude for failing to slay the Bull of the North and now begging assistance… the House Sesus caucus and the Yellow Banner Senators of House V’neef most vocal amongst them. Some in the House Tepet caucus are also thought to have considered the Call to be an admission of weakness, though others argued strongly in its favour, joined by the bulk of the House Ledaal caucus. In the end, following several days of debate and some brawling, the Call was passed by a narrow margin.

The Scarlet Empress accepted the Deliberative’s submission but offered no firm commitment, stating that the enemies of Creation would soon suffer the fate they deserved, but that she had been assured for years by the children of Tepet that their officers were possessed of greatest skill and ability, a claim she had no reason to doubt.

Some weeks afterwards, the Bull-aligned city of Fallen Lapis was obliterated by an act of immense magical power, surely the work of the Imperial Manse, which many took as the Empress acting on the Deliberative’s request.