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Awareness 3, Craft 0, Integrity 4(X), Resistance 3, War 2.
Awareness 3, [[Craft (Ability)|Craft]] 0, Integrity 4(X), Resistance 3, War 2.

Latest revision as of 13:07, 18 October 2015


Name: Icheka Mnemon Age: 24 Aspect: Water Concept: Iselsi Agent

Anima: A series of concentric blue-black spheres slowly rotating in different directions, carrying the penetrating chill of the deep ocean.

Motivation: Restore and expand the powerbase of House Iselsi on the Blessed Isle.

Intimacies: House Iselsi, Mnemon Caras, Mnemon Miasa, Sesus Indira, The Immaculate Order, Mnemon Kora (Avenge), The Realm, Peleps Deham, Ledaal Shinjo, Sesus Septimus, Cathak Okubo


Physical Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2.

Social Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3.

Mental Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3.


Air Linguistics 3, Lore 3, Occult 3, Stealth 0, Thrown 0.

Earth Awareness 3, Craft 0, Integrity 4(X), Resistance 3, War 2.

Fire Athletics 0, Dodge 0, Melee 2, Presence 3(X), Socialize 3.

Water Bureaucracy 4(X), Investigation 4(X), Larceny 0(X), Brawl 4(X), Sail 0(X).

Wood Archery 2, Medicine 3, Performance 3, Ride 2, Survival 0.

Specialties Investigation: Discerning Motivation 1 Martial Arts: Razor Claws 1 Performance: Acting 1

Languages High Realm Low Realm Old Realm Riverspeak


Compassion 2, Conviction 3(X), Temperance 2, Valor 2.

Virtue Flaw: “Conviction can turn them into a great tidal wave, smashing aside and washing away anything that stands between them and their goals, regardless of the cost.” Also, immersion in water.


Ally 1 Artifact 3 Arsenal 1 Backing: All-Seeing Eye 1 Backing: Deliberative 1 Breeding 3 Connections: High Society 1 Connections: Immaculate Order 1 Manse 3 Mentor 3 Reputation 1 Resources 3


Wind-Carried Words Auspicious First Meeting Attitude x 4 (the additional purchases resets the the bonus when Icheka hasn't seen the target in at least a season, when he has consensual sex with the target, or when he completes a task directly requested by the target that takes a scene or longer to accomplish) First Presence Excellency First Performance Excellency


Essence: 2 Personal (Committed): 13/13 Peripheral (Committed): 12/12 (14 other motes committed; not shown)

Willpower: 8/8 Limit: 7/10


== Health Levels: == -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/I Soak: 11B/ 11L. Hardness: 8B/ 8L.

Parry DV: 6 Dodge DV: 2 Mental Parry DV: 5 (includes +1 from Mind-cleansing Gem) Mental Dodge DV: 8 (includes +1 from Mind-cleansing Gem)


Equipment Icheka's person always bears a small scroll in his calligraphy detailing the Five Noble Insights and the Five Diligent Practices of the Immaculate Order.

Artifacts Horns of Daana'd (Black Jade Razor Claws; 2-dot) Speed 5, Accuracy +3, Damage +5L/2, Defense +4, Rate 3, Attune 6 (pair), Tags: M, O Slender rippled blades emerge from sculpted jade wave crests rising from the knuckle plates of these fingerless gauntlets. They were given in trust to Icheka with the expectation that he strive to ensure that he and his fellow Dragon-Blooded are competent and just stewards of Creation. For more information on the views of the Paragon of Daana'd, see Blessed Isle p. 83-84.

Root of the Mountain (Black Jade Reinforced Breastplate; 2-dot) Soak +10L/+9B, Hardness 8L/8B, Mobility -1, Fatigue 0, Attune 4 Reduces environmental damage by 2.

Four jade hearthstone amulets.

The armour and hearthstone amulets were provided to Icheka by the bloodline of Mnemon Caras. The armour belonged to Mnemon Karahgil, who slew an Anathema during a Wyld Hunt in the Southern mountain ranges by triggering an avalanche. Karaghil intercepted the Anathema's charge at his comrades by tackling it over the ridge opposite the Hunt. When Karaghil's comrades dug him out, both he and the Anathema were dead, each crushed as much by their opponent's fearsome grip as they were by the tons of granite around them.

Manses & Hearthstones Virtue's Pedestal (Level 1 Earth Manse) Near the western rocky hills of Incas, there stands a hollow pentagonal pillar of marble 200 feet tall. Its outer surface is a rough-hewn and dull, but inside it is encrusted like a geode, and the millions of facets sparkle as the sun’s rays stream through the skylight. Despite its almost playful glittering, the Pedestal demands more respect of it majesty than gaiety at its display. The manse produces the Gem of Dignity (Oadenol's Codex p. 88).

Flawless Rill Freehold (Level 1 Water Manse) This is home to Icheka's ‘parents’. (see Blessed Isle p. 134 for complete description, including hearthstone)

Murmuring Sanctum (Level 2 Water Manse) Nestled in a hollow near the Flawless Rill Freehold is a grotto with a waterfall cascading almost lazily down a series of terraces into a shallow pool. The pool is surrounded and overhung by a glade of willows, giving the locale a cozy feel. Staring into the pool, one sees a confluence of willow branches entwined around an irregular, blue-white orb. Reaching into the pool's reflection, one can pluck out the image of the orb, finding that they now hold the Stone of Recognition (Oadenol's Codex p. 96).

Vale of Still Water (Level 2 Water Manse) It was through Icheka's mentor, Inexorable Tide, that he was allowed to attune to this manse. Southwest of the Palace Sublime in a narrow canyon, each of whose walls is covered by a layer of water at least 10 feet deep and utterly undisturbed by the elements such that it presents a perfectly mirrored surface. Immaculate monks with the vale to contemplate their most private doubts and personal trials of faith. The Vale of Still water produces a Mind-Cleansing Gem (Oadenol's Codex p. 96) front a delicate stalagmite mid-way between the canyon walls.


Personal Information Birthplace: An unknown Iselsi household of the Yamah bloodline within the Scarlet prefecture. Age of Exaltation: 12 Primary School: The Academy for the Cultivation of Youthful Talents Secondary School: The Cloister of Wisdom Current Dwelling: A suite in the Mnemon wing of the Imperial Palace, although he also has a one-room sleeping chamber reserved for him in the Palace of the Deliberative.

Tendencies & Preferences: Favourite food: Scallops, lightly simmered with capers in butter and fine white wine. Favourite beverage: A bittersweet syrup of honey and lime juice filtered through crushed cashews. Most disliked tastes/scents: Boiled cabbage. Lilacs. Sexual preferences: Women, preferably at least a decade his senior (more if Exalted). Favoured Immaculate temple: Daana'd, but visits them all equally. Preferred entertainment: Poetry. Favoured Method/Instrument: Acting. Preferred reading material: Political theory. Preferred Combat Art: Dueling, unarmed and unarmoured (he's not that good at it, but likes it for aesthetic reasons)

History: Synopsis: Icheka was crib-swapped into Mnemon from House Iselsi, and the the Immaculate Order provided a tutor (the Iselsi monk Inexorable Tide) due to strong ties between the Order and Caras' line. He attended the Academy of for the Cultivation of Youthful talents in 754, Exalted in his 4th Form (age 12). His tutor assured Caras of Icheka's promise and suitability for the Order, and Icheka's primary school teachers confirmed the assessment. Icheka was sent to the Cloister of Wisdom, where he continued to exceed expectations, but upon his return, although his faith in the Order was stronger than ever, he expressed an interest in politics, and so Caras himself made Icheka his page in the Deliberative.

Family: The identity of Icheka's Islesli birth parents are unknown, and he grew up as the son of Mnemon Araska, a Water-aspected granddaughter of Mnemon Caras, who revels in the fact that her family inherited her manse from the routed Iselsi of the now-defunct Manoton bloodline. Although proud of her healthy “son”, Araska paid him little personal attention as a child, leaving him in the care of an Immaculate tutor by the name of Inexorable Tide, who was an Iselsi agent within the Order.

Expanded Backgrounds: Ally 1 (Mnemon Miasa) Icheka and his cousin Miasa were both enrolled in The Academy for the Cultivation of Youthful Talents in RY754. Their common House affiliation afforded them some solidarity, but the had deep-seated ideological differences that coloured their relationship. Miasa, originating from the main Mnemon line, was fiercely proud of the purity of her blood, and looked disdainfully on some of the children one form above them for their origins outside the Imperial City. Icheka cautioned Miasa that the Dragons choose those who were worthy by their devotions to the tenets of the Immaculate philosophy, knowingly or unknowingly, in a previous life, not simply the blood in their parents veins. Although the veracity of his assurances are dubious at best, his prediction seemed to bear fruit by the end of their time at the Academy. Not only did Icheka exalt a year ahead of Miasa, but the outsiders were the only exalts of the RY753 crop of students, leading Miasa to put more stock in Icheka's assessments, if not relax her position of the primacy of heritage. Their friendship continued to grow during their time in The Cloister of Wisdom, with Icheka's social savvy and Miasa's fierce dedication serving the pair well.

Backing: All-Seeing Eye 1 During Icheka's time at the Cloister of Wisdom, Icheka's keen mind and diplomatic bearing attracted the attention of Hitayasha, the instructor of his herbalism and healing classes. The two began a game, each trying to have an extended conversation, at first directly through a series of notes, and then indirectly by manipulating the behaviour of the other students as a form of language and private joke between them. One day, Hitayasha asked if Icheka wished to continue the game after his graduation, a prospect to which he agreed readily. Thus he was recruited into the All-Seeing Eye.

Backing: Deliberative 1 Icheka is a Page attached to the office of Mnemon Caras in the Greater Chamber.

Connections: High Society 1 (Sesus Indira) Indira is a middle-aged Sesus Dynast, the mistress of her House's social scene in the Imperial Palace, concerned with fashion and galas and social matters rather than the more direct politics of House, Scales, or Deliberative. The Sesus branch heads in the City, being more concerned with those sort of things, have let her claim a great deal of social authority. It was Indira who first approached Icheka, after overhearing praise of Icheka by Sesus Tegra at one of her parties, who had been impressed by the young Water aspect's admirable service to Mnemon Caras. Indira invited Icheka to lunch the following day, and saw immediately that he would be a great asset in her social circles, and he has been a frequent guest at her events ever since.

Connections: Immaculate Order 1 (Peleps Deham) Icheka’s frequent visits to the Temple of the Arbiter of the Immaculate Complaint did not go unnoticed by its Nestor, Peleps Deham, who questioned Inexorable Tide regarding the young man’s character. Upon learning of the extent to which Icheka’s views on the Immaculate philosophy aligned with her own, Deham took an interest in watching Icheka’s progress through The Academy for the Cultivation of Youthful Talents. Icheka’s exaltation, promising performance at the Clositer of Wisdom, and his appointment to the Deliberative staff as a page to Mnemon Caras delighted Deham. Although Deham and Caras operate on different strands of the Realm’s web of intrigue, both agree that there is corruption gnawing at the heart of the Dynasty, and Icheka has become an envoy of sorts between these two pillars of political reform.

Mentor 3 (Inexorable Tide) It was under Tide's guidance that Icheka spent his formative years prior to attending The Academy for the Cultivation of Youthful Talents, and the two formed a close bond. Naturally, Tide took great pains to ensure that Icheka remained emotionally detached from House Mnemon and more sympathetic to his Iselsi roots, which were an object of playful conspiracy between the pair. After Icheka's graduation from the Cloister of Wisdom, Tide still mentors his favoured student from his position a local temple to Daana'd.

Reputation 1 (Immaculate Devotion) Despite the strong tradition of Immaculate devotion in Mnemon Caras' bloodline, Icheka managed to pleasantly surprise his elders with his thoughtful and reasoned adoption of the Order's tenets at such a young age. Indeed, friends and associates of his family were impressed by his devout demeanor, and even detractors of House Mnemon were forced to concede that Icheka was a fine contribution to the House on the religious front.

Resources 3 Despite his growing support network and multiple avenues for income from two Houses and two jobs, Icheka has chosen a relatively modest lifestyle by Dynastic standards. His suites in the Mnemon wing in the Imperial Palace have a tasteful elegance about them that reflects Icheka's appreciation for fine art and luxury without letting it distract him from his duties or Immaculate devotions. At present, Icheka feels that he needs no more than he has, and when he finds himself tempted to expand his own standard of living, he simply makes a donation to a local temple, content in the knowledge that his talents will bring him many opportunities to enjoy the splendours of the Imperial City and the homes of his Dragon-Blooded brethren.

Flaws: Dark Secret: House Isesli 4 Oathbound 1 (strict adherence to the Five Noble Insights and the Five Diligent Practices) Obligation: House Iselsi 1 Obligation: House Mnemon 1

Ties to the Party: Ledaal Shinjo: Shinjo was first made aware of Icheka when the two of them acted together in plays at the Academy, and although Icheka has yet to pursue a direct role in theatre, his appreciation of skilled wit invariably places him in the audience at Shinjo’s plays. In light of Miasa’s continued interest in Shinjo, and recalling the tension between Shinjo and Sorae from the Academy, Icheka has seen to broadening the playwright’s perspective on amorous adventures; when the opportunity presents itself, he encourages Shinjo to sample a calibre of carnal expertise possessed only by Dynasts who have enjoyed many decades of practice.

Ragara Thannak-Tyros: Tyros and Icheka’s similar proficiency at the rudiments of armed and unarmed combat frequently saw them paired as sparring partners at the Academy. Although their interactions off the practice yard were infrequent, they made the most of their time together by layering discussions of geomancy and magitek over the flurry of strikes and blocks between them.

Sesus Septimus: Similar to Cathak Okubo’s choice to eschew the company of his cohort in favour of the Form below him, Septimus found common ground with the younger unexalted students, including Icheka. What began as a protective relationship against the predations of senior bullying grew into a real friendship. Icheka reassured Septimus that those who lived by the Dragons’ virtues would achieve exaltation, a prediction that bore fruit months later as Septimus came to temper his Chenow ferocity with a charitable and protective spirit toward those of lesser might.

Tepet Sorae: Icheka’s relationship with Tepet Sorae was a distant one during their Academy days, but slowly began anew after their graduation from their respective Secondary schools. Their paths crossed during Sorae’s pregnancy, when she was a guest of Sesus Kimiasha and Icheka was a guest of Sesus Indira. Mutual attendance at Indira’s parties and Shinjo’s plays provided opportunities for Icheka and Sorae to become reacquainted, and although they are not close, they’ve come to enjoy a relaxed familiarity with one another.

V’Neef Cejanis: As a younger member of a study group concerning the Realm’s political institutions, Icheka was often witnessed the spectacle of Cejanis and Peleps Staemos dueling with obscure bureaucratic trivia, and following Staemos’ graduation, Icheka became embroiled in similar debates with Cejanis, albeit in a different tone. Whereas Staemos flaunted any ground gained over Cejanis in their verbal sparring, Icheka’s contributions consisted in complimentary points or order and alternate avenues for policy adoption, gaining a measure of Cejanis’ respect at the cost of flattering her towering ego. Neither has failed to notice the other’s continued presence in the Deliberative, but the relationship has been a source of reassurance rather than antagonism.