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Latest revision as of 19:59, 26 November 2014

Karmeus are large birds, or bird-like creatures, with long scaled legs ending in sharp claws, powerful wings covered in black feathers with wingspans of up to three yards, and small beady eyes that glow as if lit with green fire. But their most unusual feature is within their massive beaks, that never close, for instead of throat the mouths of the birds contain another head, this one seemingly human, that spends its time eating or screaming obscenities.

Karmeus originate in the Firewander district of Nexus, and those employed to guard the surrounding city know to meet the appearance of a flock with a concentrated hail of arrows and slung stones. However, particularly in the darkness of night, karmeus slip out into the City itself, where the flocks take up roost atop the highest buildings, where they are most difficult to dislodge.

Omnivores with a preference for rotting meat, karmeus swoop down into the streets when hunger calls, seeking to steal the meats and produce of market stalls, or even fresher prey: children, often fatty and unable to resist, though they can also attempt to take adult humans, pets, and the like. Live prey will sometimes be speared atop a tall spire for several days to rot properly before the bird tucks into its meal.

In the Scavenger Lands (though rarely Nexus itself, where they tend to know far worse dangers await them) children are often told if they misbehave then a karmeus will take them away to rot and be eaten.

Source: Creatures of the Wyld pp.118