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Latest revision as of 20:34, 18 May 2014

Evar was once a junior Plutarch in the Tripartite of Claslat, a compassionate young man whose dissatisfaction with the current order saw him associate with the Alchemical Vigorous March of Progress and the junior lector Len as they implemented their study circles amongst the Populat. Where those two had been primarily concerned with economic relations and the position of the Populat in Autochthonian society, however, Evar had been worried about humans in a more universal sense: along with the Populat, he looked to the ostracized tunnel folk, the Lumpen class, slaves, in all he saw many who had been pushed to the bottom by his own exploiting class, and who needed to be saved. Evar managed to arrange frequent trips to study tunnel tribes, ostensibly to prepare reports on how the National Tripartite could administer the areas they threatened and regulate interactions with them. Over the course of a few years, Evar’s reports became increasingly more glowing in praising the potential of the tribes to teach lessons to the Nations, and more critical of policies which sought to push the tunnel folk away from Claslat. A tendency to choose confrontation over compromise, which had left him with few close allies in the ranks of the Plutarchy itself, finally proved too much for Claslat’s ruling body: Evar was declared to be a Voidbringer, and the order given for him to be detained. Though they could not protect the young plutarch, Vigorous March of Progress and Len managed to arrange a clandestine warning as the impending judgment’s nature became clear. Evar fled into the Reaches to take shelter with the tunnel folk he so admired, and vanished from public sight.

Len and March remains concerned for his fate, but even if he has survived it would be difficult to send a message that would reach the Alchemical Exalt. While vessel-borne adventurism strikes March as a distraction from more important work amongst the Populat, a fringe benefit may be opportunity to encounter his exiled friend.