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The Razortide Strider is a large two-masted wooden sailing ship, with a square-rigged foremast and a lanteen-rigged mainmast, an arrangement which might not be optimal for speed when the wind is at the Strider’s back, but which allows it to move quickly no matter the direction of the wind, and maneuver more readily than merchantmen of its class. A small crow’s nest platform tops the foremast for use by a spotter. A large enclosed deckhouse, containing quarters for captain and crew, rises aft, while a forecastle rises at the bow, granting an excellent field of fire to the deadly Sailcutter Ballista mounted there. The wheel is located to the fore of the deckhouse. Four companionways go below deck from the, two fore and two aft, too small for the bulkiest cargo but preserving the strength of the main deck against projectiles and leaving it open for muster of boarding parties.


The Razortide Strider was commissioned some seventy years ago from the port of Zakalar in the Coral Archipelago, constructed from the wood of the durable iron palm (explaining its continued longevity). While its holds can carry cargo, it was never intended to be a merchantman, its construction financed by the Outcaste pirate Unbound Ophidian for use in preying upon the mercantile shipping of the West. Ophidian led the Strider out of Coral for the first few years of its life, gaining reputation and profit, until some political dispute, or perhaps simply greed, saw him leave his wife to indenture and flee the archipelago with a fortune in fines unpaid. Ophidian and the Strider moved deeper into the West, continuing their pirate ways as they moved from island to island.

While the Imperial Navy sometimes pursued the Strider for its attacks on Realm shipping, the merchant marine under House V’neef took a different course: they dealt with Ophidian not by seeking him in battle but by buying him off, offering him adoption into the comfortable life of a Dynast, a retirement filled with fine wines and the attentions of exotic neomah. Ophidian accepted adoption, spending the years since enjoying his retirement on an estate outside of Arjuf, occasionally reporting to the headquarters of the merchant marine to pass on his knowledge of seafaring and esoteric martial arts to younger sailors of the merchant navy.  

The Razortide Strider was passed on to Ophidian’s son, Foul Serpent, who now sails it once more on the Western seas. Surely some merchants, remembering piracy at the hands of Ophidian, will not welcome its return, and the rulers of Coral consider it theirs to reclaim in payment of debts owed. 

Notable Crew

V'neef Unbound Ophidian (former captain), V'neef Foul Serpent (current captain), Hungry Siaka (current First Mate), ? .



Type: Blue-Water Merchant

Speed: 7/15 mph

Maneuverability: -4S

Endurance: Winds and currents

Crew: 22; skeleton 6.

Passengers/Cargo: Bunks for 26, deckhouse captain’s cabin & chart room, Upper hold 1,200 tons cargo (can be converted to house bunks for 100), lower hold 750 tons cargo.

Armor: 6L/12B

Health Levels: Ux12/Mx6/Cx5/I/D

Measures: 35x8x3 yards.

Draft: 3 yards.

Armament: 1x Sailcutter (forecastle, swivel-mount), 1x Light ballista (deckhouse roof, swivel-mount).