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Latest revision as of 20:54, 26 December 2013

The palisade wren is a small bird native to the deserts of the Southern Threshold. It is a spotted brown bird, lighter below than above, with a curved bill and particularly prominent white eyestripe & tail feather spots.

The palisade wren feeds primarily on insects, though it will take fruit and seeds when these are available. Diet provides it with water, and it does not seek out oases to quench thirst, allowing it to range more freely across the South.

The wren nests in holes dug into the sides of cactus plants, whose spines protect the nest from predation… this is the source of its name.

Palisade Wrens, unlike many of their cousins, are not shy birds, singing their loud song and moving with little care for human encroachment. Highly curious, they will often investigate structures and packages to see what lies within, a rude surprise for travellers whose tent flaps were not properly secured as they are woken from a Zenith hour nap by a pair of panicked wrens unable to locate their original point of entry.

Taking its curiosity as bravery or devotion to scouting, combined with its defensive nesting strategy, the Palisade Wren is considered by some cultures in the South to be a symbol of soldiery and military prowess. It featured prominently on much of the art produced by the people of Munshae before its fall to the Dune People in RY469.

Though it is less common in the coastward lands where such dishes are popular, Palisade Wrens are sometimes caught in the nets used by trappers in states like Ortolan to gather birds for Songbird Skewers.