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Latest revision as of 17:07, 4 November 2013

The Snow Owl is a species of owl resident in the open tundra of the Northern Threshold. Snow owls are white with black scalloping (more prominent on females than males), with black beaks and yellow eyes. Their feet are feathered to better deal with their snowy habitat.

Snow owls take a variety of prey, but prefer to devour small rodents such as lemmings. They hunt by taking a position overlooking the hunting area, watching and listening to identify their prey. Once prey has been located, the owl takes wing, flight nearly silent as it closes quickly and strikes with its talons.

Snow owls nest on the ground, atop hillocks or boulders with excellent visibility. Chicks hatch asynchronously, but larger and smaller chicks maintain harmonious relations rather than the siblicide seen in some other creatures. Both parents care for the young and guard the nest, attacking smaller predators who approach and threatening larger ones, or leading them away with distraction displays.

Though they are powerful predators, many other bird species prefer to dwell close to snow owl nests, because the owls will deter other predators from approaching and will only take larger prey such as ducks or geese if smaller rodents are scarce.

Snow Owls are typically seen around the coast of the White Sea, and further North, but they are nomadic birds, moving in search of prey. They are thus seen regularly between the White and Inner Sea coasts, and in particularly harsh cold seasons have been spotted as far south as the River Province.

Amongst the Rime Tribes bordering the White Sea and Haslanti League, who worship a number of gods including Oplath Daigono Shar, the snow owl is valued as a hunting animal, much as hawks or falcons are amongst falconers further south. The owls, highly intelligent, are trained to assist human hunters in tracking prey animals and even in battle, where they are rightly feared by the enemies of the Tribes.