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'''This is my favorite infiltration on the Citadel''' <br>
'''This is my favorite infiltration on the Citadel''' <br>
- The Eye also demands explicit details be gathered from the Citadel of Purifying Flame: exact troop numbers, unit identifications, contents of arsenals and deployment preparations, names of officers present, destinations of any deployments.
- Shinjo largely bailed on this objective, though hope remains that Cathak Caiji can be tapped as a resource on 1st Legion movements.
The Eye also demands explicit details be gathered from the Citadel of Purifying Flame: exact troop numbers, unit identifications, contents of arsenals and deployment preparations, names of officers present, destinations of any deployments. <br>
- Shinjo largely bailed on this objective, though hope remains that Cathak Caiji can be tapped as a resource on 1st Legion movements. <br>
'''East 9th Ward: Printing The Pillow Book'''<br>
'''East 9th Ward: Printing The Pillow Book'''<br>

Revision as of 18:44, 11 October 2012

List of Subplots

Infiltration of the Cathedral

The All-Seeing Eye wants Shinjo to exploit his connection with Ragara Thannak-Tyros to obtain further access and information. The Eye demands specific details of all connections and interactions between Thannak-Tyros/the Cathedral, Ragara Raman/the 6th Legion, and the Black Helms... times and dates of meetings, contents of conversations, supply/payment transfers, and production orders.

- Shinjo has spoken to Tyros at length about various aspects of his craft: his desire to create new wonders over repairing and maintaining old ones, the loss of various arts like the crafting of artifacts of permanent effect that do not require such maintenance, and the techniques required for utilizing materials like moonsilver.

- The Eye passed along a clue on asking Tyros about the Mnemon monks who staff his Cathedral, Shinjo has not found a good way to bring this up yet

- Tyros let slip that his betrothal to V'neef Pepaa is a also a business partnership of sorts. Combined with his utter focus on his work at the Cathedral and his professed lack of skill in her field of bureaucracy, the implication is that she is involved in the management of his business. Shinjo intends to cross her path to learn more about her.

- Shinjo commissioned a suit of light armor from Tyros for V'neef Kalla. Assuming pick up is done at Tyros' manse, Shinjo and the Eye might use it as an opportunity to investigate his private documents... seeing as the circle keeps records of the Okubo investigation there, this might need to be diverted in some way.

This is my favorite infiltration on the Citadel

The Eye also demands explicit details be gathered from the Citadel of Purifying Flame: exact troop numbers, unit identifications, contents of arsenals and deployment preparations, names of officers present, destinations of any deployments.

- Shinjo largely bailed on this objective, though hope remains that Cathak Caiji can be tapped as a resource on 1st Legion movements.

East 9th Ward: Printing The Pillow Book

East 9th Ward: Commoner Calligraphy

The Play of Teran Woo

Maharra's Gala


Avoiding Marriage
- not going very well at all

List of Realm Plot Hooks