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First Larceny Excellency (10xp)
First Larceny Excellency (10xp)
Language Learning Ritual (10xp)

Revision as of 22:53, 12 October 2012


Name: Ledaal Cycel Shinjo

Age: 25

Aspect: Air

Concept: Famous playright, secret spy

Anima: Corona of violet lightning

Motivation: "Build a Fifth Secondary School dedicated to the arts"

Intimacies: Cathak Okubo (), Tepet Sorae (ardor), Sesus Septimus (admiration), V'neef Cejanis (loyalty), V'neef Kalla (respect), Tepet Jozan (friendship), Theatre (love), Marriage (fear), Jozan's Secrets (protect), The Realm (nationalism) {x2}, The Scarlet Empress (loyalty)

Languages: High Realm (Arjuf), Low Realm (Imperial City), Old Realm, Firetongue, All-Seeing Eye Ciphers


Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2

Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 5

Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3


Air: Linguistics 4(X) (playwriting+2), Lore 3(X), Occult 0, Stealth 3(X), Thrown 1(X)

Water: Bureacracy 0, Investigation 2, Larceny 3(X)(+2 to escape, +4 to disguise), Martial Arts 2, Sail 0

Earth: Awareness 2, Crafts 0, Integrity 2, Resistance 0, War 2

Fire: Atheletics 3(+2 from stone), Dodge 1(X), Melee 2, Presence 3 (seduction+1), Socialize 3

Wood: Archery 2, Medicine 0, Performance 5(X) (theatre+1), Ride 2, Survival 0


Compassion 3 ( 1 channel used)

Conviction 1

Temperance 3

Valor 2

Willpower 7 6/7 WP points

Food Points: 1


Resources 3

Backing 0 (All-Seeing Eye)

Mentor 1 (Mr Box)

Connections 1 (All-Seeing Eye)

Connections 3 (High Society)

Allies 2 (V'neef Kalla, Tepet Jozan)

Manse 3

Artifact 4

Breeding 4

Arsenal 3

Reputation 2


Sickly 3

Dark Secret 3

Obligation 2


Cloud-Ruler Bangles - Jade Bracers (Artifact 2) - wind-whorled skyblue jade beads alternating with silver wrought to resemble clouds, paired bracelets for each wrist; one has a setting for a hearthstone that Shinjo reserves for the Jewel of Whispers. Given as a gift upon graduation from the Academy.

Raindrop Trinket - Pair of Jade Earrings (Artifact 2) - each earring is a string of small blue jade beads, culminating in a small clasp that can hold a hearthstone. Shinjo often affixes his jewels of Swift Comprehension and Supple Youth to them. Given as a gift upon graduation from the Academy.

Mela's Feathered Raiment - Infinite Resplendence Amulet (Artifact 4) - a moonsilver amulet crafted in the shape of an owl in repose, it's wings accented with blue jade. Its talons are a clasp that can bear a hearthstone; Shinjo often stores his Stone of Gender Transformation here. The amulet can generate garments and costumes of any imaginable shape or color out of essence, the silk strong enough to act as light armor for the wearer. A gift from V'neef Maharra on Shinjo's ascension into the ranks of Dynastic high society. (DoTFA, Lords of Creation, page 97-98... traded jade bonuses for hearthstone socket)

Mask of Ivory - Mask (Artifact 2, bought from Arsenal) - a smooth and featureless mask seemingly crafted out of a single piece of ivory. When attuned and worn, it allows the bearer to alter her appearance to look like anyone she wishes and control the emotions her face shows. A tool granted to Shinjo by the All Seeing Eye.

Jewel of Whispers - (Manse 3, bought from Arsenal, Air) - a dark blue opaque stone, polished cabochon cut; the wearer can hear anything occurring through the stone and even speak through it

Stone of Gender Transformation (Manse 3, Water) - an almond-shaped jewel with a translucent peach color, allows the wearer to reflexively switch genders

Jewel of Swift Comprehension - (Manse 2, Air) - a colorless, milky sphere that aids in reading speed and understanding visual information (Lore/Investigation)

Jewel of Youthful Suppleness - (Manse 1, Wood) - a pale sparkling peridot sphere that allows the wearer to freely dislocate their joints, bolsters their athleticism and litheness


First Linguistics Excellency

First Presence Excellency

First Performance Excellency

Elemental Concentration Trance

Distracting Breeze Meditation

Unsleeping Earth Meditation

New Voice Technique

Talented Improvisation (10xp)

First Larceny Excellency (10xp)

Language Learning Ritual (10xp)

Essence Essence: 2 Personal (Committed): 12/12 (0) Peripheral (Committed): 11/27 (16)

Willpower: 6/7

Tendencies & Preferences: Favourite food: sashimi, octopus balls, ice cherries, cuttlefish eggs

Favourite beverage: watered wines, pineapple juice, spice tea

Most disliked tastes/scents: red meats

Sexual preferences: beautiful

Favoured Immaculate temple: Temple of Sextes Jylis

Preferred entertainment: poetry recitations, cherry blossom viewings, theatre, music

Favoured Method/Instrument: ocarina, flute, harp

Preferred Combat Art: javelins or short spears

Written Works

The Merchant of Varang - a romantic-comedy set in the Threshold satrapy of Varang that lampoons their strict astrological castes systems and celebrates love for two not destined to be together. Performed only a few times.

Haruko - Shinjo's first major work, commissioned by V'neef Kalla for the Gala of Perfected Performance in RY???. Follows a young female Daimyo's political struggles in a tumultous period of the Shogunate as she balances honor and necessity. Her family is small and her power minor in the scope of the great struggles of the era, but as she grows into the role her influence also expands. A theme of greatness from small beginnings.

{some more plays}

Instruction of a Wastrel - RY 768, Earth season. A romantic-comedy about a heavily political marriage between a no nonsense bureaucrat and a charming rogue about the city. Famed for its intricate wordplay and imagery, and liked by both men and women despite a subtle skewering of traditional marriage.


Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/I
Dying Levels: 2
Soak (armored): 2B/1L (7B/6L)
Hardness (armored):0

Parry DV: 3
Dodge DV: 5
Mental Dodge DV: 5 (6 vs DB charms)
Stun Threshold/Pool:
Knock Threshold/Pool:

Join Battle/Debate: 5

Weapon Speed Accuracy Damage Defense Rate Range Attune Tags
Punch 5 6 1B 4 3 -- 0 N
Kick 5 5 4B 2 2 -- 0 N
Clinch 5 6 1B 3 1 -- 0 N, C, P