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<table class="infobox" style="width: 315px; border-spacing: 2px; text-align: left; font-size: 90%;">
<table class="infobox" style="width: 315px; border-spacing: 2px; text-align: left; font-size: 90%;">
<th colspan="2" style="background: lightsteelblue; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;"> Fourth Battle of Chumo-Sheh
<th colspan="2" style="background: lightsteelblue; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;">Ravaging of Rabenna</th>
Line 20: Line 19:
<th style="padding-right: 1em;">Location</th>
<th style="padding-right: 1em;">Location</th>
<td>Ford of Chumo-Sheh, [[Madura]]</td>
<td>Rabenna, [[Madura]]</td>
Line 42: Line 41:
<td>[[Sesus Halaud]], [[Sesus Naomasa]]</td>
<td>[[Mnemon Borodir]]</td>
<td>[[Anathema-Voivode]] of Azerban, [[Rolstovik the Axe of Azer]]</td>
<td>[[Anathema-Voivode]] of Azerban, [[Laerus Wolfborn]]</td>
Line 51: Line 50:
<td width="50%" style="border-right: 1px dotted #aaa;">1,500 Realm Legionnaires<br />  
<td width="50%" style="border-right: 1px dotted #aaa;">1,170 Realm Legionnaires<br />  
2,000 Maduran auxiliaries<br />
500+ Maduran levies<br />
49 ballistae<br /> 
7 Dragonblooded</td>
12 Dragonblooded</td>
<td width="50%" style="padding-left: 0.25em;">2,800 Azerbani soldiers<br />
<td width="50%" style="padding-left: 0.25em;">5,000+ Azerbani soldiers<br />
1,500 Maduran soldiers <br />
200+ Maduran soldiers <br />
20 catapults<br />
25 catapults<br />
28 ballistae <br />
1 Solar Anathema<br />
1 Solar Anathema<br />
1+ Dragonblooded<br />
2+ Godblooded </td>
2+ Godblooded </td>
Line 66: Line 66:
<td width="50%" style="border-right: 1px dotted #aaa;">800 Realm Legionnaires<br />
<td width="50%" style="border-right: 1px dotted #aaa;">300+ Realm Legionnaires<br />
80+ Maduran auxiliaries<br />
100+ Maduran levies<br />
600+ Maduran auxiliaries (fled)<br />
400+ Maduran levies (fled or defected)<br />
1,200+ Maduran auxiliaries (defected)<br />
3 Dragonblooded</td>
21 ballistae<br />
<td width="50%" style="padding-left: 0.25em;">700+ Azerbani soldiers<br />
28 ballistae (captured)<br />   
250+ Maduran soldiers</td>
7 Dragonblooded</td>
<td width="50%" style="padding-left: 0.25em;">2,000+ Azerbani soldiers<br />
50+ Maduran soldiers</td>
Line 81: Line 78:
==Preceding Events==
The Fourth Battle of Chumo-Sheh was an engagement between the Realm’s [[4th Imperial Legion]] and the armies of [[Azerban]] during the [[Campaign against the Anathema-Voivode]]. Though named the ‘Fourth Battle’, it was the first at the location in that campaign, the [[Third Battle of Chumo-Sheh]] having occurred during the suppression of Azerban by Prince [[Sesus]] and the [[8th Imperial Legion]] in [[RY259]], and the ‘First’ and ‘Second’ battles existing apocryphally in Azeri legend.
The Ravaging of Rabenna was a battle in the [[Campaign against the Anathema-Voivode]], following only a few days after the disastrous [[Fourth Battle of Chumo-Sheh]] had seen the [[Anathema-Voivode]] cross the Thousand Rushes River with her Azerbani army.
Prior to the Battle, the battle lines of the 4th Legion and Azerban had settled along the Thousand Rushes River between Azerban and [[Madura]]. Though small raiding parties had been making river crossings for some time, the only place where a large force could make their way across was the Ford of Chumo-Sheh, and this was where the largest concentrations of each army had taken up defensive positions, the 4th Legion having stationed a significant force centered on the whole of its 3rd and 4th Dragons on the southern side of the Ford, along with a detatchment of medium infantry from the 6th Dragon, slingers from the 12th Dragon, and significant Maduran auxiliaries, and artillerist scales manning dozens of [[Ballista]]e. The expectation amongst nearly all of the 4th’s senior officers was that the Azerbani would launch their assault across the Ford in an attempt to breach Imperial lines, where their numbers would be devastated by superior Imperial soldiery, followed by a counterattack into Azerban that would sweep northward to Azer and put an end to the rebellion. 
A circular city, Rabenna lacks for city walls, the Legion defenders stationed there under dragonlord [[Mnemon Borodir]] instead establishing eight Legion camps to serve as perimeter strongpoints, with overall headquarters in the stone-walled compound of the Satrap at the City’s southwestern edge. Borodir himself had inherited command due to delays in the arrival of the 5th Dragon’s dragonlord [[Sesus Yegeme]], who had been held up (along with the 1st Talon of her 1st Wing) in advancing from Isesu by her baggage train, and the decision of 4th Dragon’s dragonlord [[Sesus Naomasa]], new arrived from the battle at Chumo-Sheh, to continue southward escorted by his 1st Wing 1st Talon, so he might reach Isesu and ‘lead the restoration of cohesion to the Legion in strategoi Abeisha’s absence’. The Exarch of Madura had promised a force of ‘ten thousand hunters’ to join Legion troops, but most of those who could be mustered were commoners levied into service… many simply ignored the summons once the Exarch’s men had passed on, others arrived only to find no weapons available to equip them. 
This prediction proved in error, as in the [[Battle of Birch Temple]] Azeri troops crossed the river at another location in large numbers, before splitting to cut off the 4th Legion’s strategoi and 1st Dragon in the [[Battle of Varad]] and flank the Imperial defenders of the Ford… their strength bolstered by a large number of captured Legion catapults.
==Imperial Deployments==
==The Battle==
Borodir’s order of battle was recovered from the Satrap’s compound following the [[Liberation of Rabenna]], entered into the official histories of the Legion.
The massing of Azerbani troops across the river was easily noticed, Imperial defenses ready: at the center, slingers and archers behind wooden palisades, heavy infantry at the rear for the counterattack. The formation was flanked by scales of ballistae aimed towards the Ford, less reliable Maduran auxiliaries deployed to secure the artillerists and Legion camp forts behind the line. However, the Azerbani seemed as unwilling to cross the river as their Imperial counterparts, and so troops were forced to remain at post lest they be caught flat-footed. This wore on all the soldiers involved, but the Realm’s heavy infantry most of all due to their weighty plate armour. Some younger officers agitated to advance across the ford while their troops remained rested, but the commanders, dragonlord [[Sesus Halaud]] of the 3rd Dragon and dragonlord [[Sesus Naomasa]] of the 4th Dragon held back… when he ascended to generalship, strategoi [[Sesus Dochao]] mused the two knew that whoever marched first would have his forces too mauled to continue on to Azer, leaving the other to seize the loot and glory.
'''Fort North''' – 6th Dragon 2nd Wing 2nd Talon. <br />
'''Fort Northeast''' – Sorcerer [[Pechpipat Supvarodom]], 7th Dragon 2nd Wing 1st Talon. <br />
'''Fort East''' – 5th Dragon 1st Wing 2nd Talon.<br />
'''Fort Southeast''' –6th Dragon 1st Wing 2nd Talon. <br />
'''Imperial Satrap’s Compound''' – Dragonlord [[Mnemon Borodir]], 6th Dragon 1st Wing 1st Talon. <br />
'''Fort South''' – 4th Dragon 2nd Wing 1st Talon.<br />
'''Fort Southwest''' – 4th Dragon 2nd Wing 2nd Talon. <br />
'''Fort West''' – 5th Dragon 2nd Wing 2nd Talon. <br />
'''Fort Northwest''' – 5th Dragon 2nd Wing 1st Talon. <br />
'''Rabenna North''' – 13th Dragon 2nd Wing, Maduran Militia. <br />
A handful of Azerbani catapults opened fire during the first two days of the battle, but their heavy stones landed midstream on the ford rather than reaching the other side… misses eliciting chuckles from the 4ths officers, sure the Azerbani had placed too far back, wanting to remain outside the reach of the Imperial Exalts and war machines. It was not sufficient to escape the powers of sorcery, however, and the Anathema’s artillery was finally silenced with blazing fire, from 4th Legion sorcerer [[Cathak Salah]].
It was this spellcraft which seemed to serve as signal for the forces of the Anathema, for it was at that moment that the Anathema-Voivode made its presence known. Due to the high number of casualties and general confusion in Imperial ranks following the battle, no definitive account of events exists.  
However, in addition to a lack of Maduran forces appearing as expected, on his departure dragonlord [[Sesus Naomasa]] removed all but a token fang from Fort South to join his forces, so they might ensure that lines of communication between Rabenna and Isesu remained clear and secure, leaving dragonlord Borodir short of manpower.  
<div class="center" style="width:auto; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"> “<i>... it was a demon-giant, standing tall to steal from the Unconquered Sun himself. Stole the light from the sky, stole the light from the sorcerer, even stole the light from my head, sir, I don’t remember what happened next...</i>”<br>
- '''Legionnaire Quivering Curd'''<br></div>
<div class="center" style="width:auto; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"> “<i>... the creature’s form flared, sending light and shadow into the morning sky. Fanglord Salah fell dead in an instant, the soul of a sorcerer not pure enough to resist such potent evil. Though traitors and cowards were all about, I fought bravely to cut a corridor for my men to pull back… our commanders had made terrible mistakes, and I was determined to salvage what I could and help the Legion recover under the peerless command of dragonlord Dochao...</i>”<br>
==The Battle==
- '''Talonlord Sesus Naotsugu'''<br></div>
And then, stones began to fall upon the right flank of the Imperial force, shattering ballistae and soldier alike, not from across the river but from down the southern bank: a great force of Azerbani had crossed the river in the [[Battle of Birch Temple]], and flanked the Imperial position. There were no berms and palisades to defend against assault that had been dismissed as impossible, as Realm troops reeled and repositioned the flankers charged, as the forces on the opposite bank followed their Anathema in charging across the ford. The ballistae standing on the left flank of the Legion position opened fire to good effect, but the catapult stones launched earlier proved good shelter for the advancing foe, and worse was yet to come.  
The understanding of many surviving officers was that Borodir believed the Azerbani army would be unable to siege all of the fortifications at once… if they surrounded one, sling fire from the city and sallies from the other forts would strike their flanks, if they ignored the forts then they would be engaged house to house by the Maduran militias and Legionnaires within the forts would emerge to charge their rear. Alas, Imperial estimates failed to judge either the number or quality of the opposition, and the magics of the Anathema were potent indeed.  
The power of the Anathema and the flanking attack had shaken the Maduran auxiliaries on the flanks, and many simply dropped their weapons and fled the field. Worse, others sought to earn the demon’s favour by disabling Legion artillery.  
It is said that the whole of Fort North was frozen in place at her approach, screaming but unable to flee, as her soldiers scaled the walls and speared each one in turn. It is said that the defenders of the city were gripped with terror and fled en masse to cower in their homes. It is said that the Azerbani brought siege weapons to bear on Legion palisades and shattered them under a barrage of stone and bolt, before sweeping through the breech to gut those with no way out. The forts fell in quick succession, most of their officers recognizing their situations as untenable and attempting to lead breakouts southward to more defensible positions and the rest of the 4th Legion, albeit suffering heavy casualties. A few stories of heroism were carried out of those who stood firm to cover the retreat… dragonlord Borodir is said to have strode forth to battle house to house in search of the Anathema, though none know if he found her. It is said that talonlord [[Sesus Violatus]], commander of the Northeast Fort, took a ballista bolt through the chest and yet still slew three Azerbani warriors before he fell, though he was merely mortal. But, even with such accounts, the fact of the Imperial defeat at Rabenna was undeniable, and coming on the heels of other major catastrophes threw 4th Legion morale to all-time lows.
Following the doctrines of the [[Thousand Correct Actions of the Upright Soldier]], a formation of five Dragonblooded officers was formed and sent out to lead a countercharge and engage the Anathema directly: the 3rd Dragon’s winglord [[Sesus Tuwana]] led talonlords [[Sesus Kammu]] and [[Melon Ball]] of the 3rd Dragon, talonlord [[Second Bastard]] of the 4th Dragon, and talonlord [[Nirik the Spear]] of the 6th Dragon.
The course of the battle from this point is poorly detailed in the official record, a fact attributed to the heavy casualties amongst the Legion officers present along with the concurrent loss of strategoi and her staff (though one will note an accurate account may also have reflected poorly on a number of the officers who survived the engagement). The Exalt fang failed to stop the advance of the Anathema and her army, dragonlord Halaud was slain, and though casualties were significant dragonlord Naomasa led a withdrawal down the road to the southwest, towards the Maduran capital of Rabenna.
Though the battle was a severe defeat for the 4th Imperial Legion, inflicting heavy casualties on the units involved. However, due to a variety of deployments, only the 12th Dragon was removed from the order of battle: The 3rd Dragon’s 1st Wing was on inland patrol south of the river, and was unable to return for the  battle, instead engaging the foe in the [[Western Slope Withdrawal]]; The 4th Dragon’s 2nd Wing winglord and 2nd talon were stationed in Rabenna, negotiating with the supply station there to secure provisions for the expected advance to Azer; the 6th Dragon’s headquarters was outside Rabenna and thus its dragonlord along with its 1st Wing’s winglord and 2nd Talon were on station there. Additionally, the 2nd Talon of the 4th Legion’s 4th Dragon managed a withdrawal without suffering any casualties, along with their dragonlord (and several other units withdrew reduced but not beyond recovery). These survivors would not remain unbloodied, as on the heels of the battle came several others, with almost all engaged in the [[Ravaging of Rabenna]] which followed on the heels of defeat at the Ford. 
An official inquiry conducted in Isesu by a tribunal of senior officers (dragonlords [[Sesus Hsung]], [[Sesus Marand]], and [[Sesus Naomasa]]) established that the five officers engaged the Anathema and her entourage and were defeated, that the Anathema brought terrible magics to bear to confuse the minds of those standing against her, that there was no evidence of any Legion officers turning traitor in the battle nor that there was any truth to rumours that some officers thought slain when the Anathema rose to power had been spotted serving at her side. The most senior officer present, Sesus Halaud, who had perished in the battle, was found responsible for several poor decisions which weakened the Imperial position, and thus ultimately responsibility for the defeat, but had sold his life bravely to save Imperial troops and thus deserved no censure. Dragonlord Naomasa’s conduct was deemed flawless, his masterful command of the withdrawal exemplary, but some are certain that questions outside the official record shadowed his bid to take the strategoi’s post, and he abandoned this effort immediately following the inquiry.
Several officers and soldiers scattered into the Maduran wilderness, making their way southward to [[Ceben]] and Imperial lines while pursued by the victorious Azerbani, fangs and individuals trickling into [[Ceben]] for months in the wake of the battle. The largest such force, centered on the 2nd wing of the 4th Dragon under talonlord [[Blade of Ascending Iron]], was saved from destruction by intervention of the 10th Dragon under [[Sesus Dochao]] at the [[Battle of the Thisian Bridge]].  
When [[Sesus Dochao]] was elevated to generalship and launched a mass reorganization of the 4th Legion, he rewarded Naomasa with appointment to lead his former command, the 10th Dragon, a medium infantry formation. [[Assuri Gyra]], commander of the 11th Dragon, replaced him as dragonlord of the 4th Dragon.
Talonlord [[Mnemon Koleria]] was cut off by Azerbani troops as they flowed southward, losing the remnants of her unit as she was forced to retreat to the northwest towards the Laran Moor, where she faced the Anathema-Voivode herself at the [[Battle of Bleakrise Tor]].
==Officers in the Order of Battle==
The battle has been cited by strategoi [[Sesus Dochao]] as a clear indication of the need for the reforms he instituted in the 4th Legion upon taking command: Rabenna was defended by two Dragons of troops, but drawn piecemeal from four different Dragons, unable to properly coordinate or operate independently. The historians of [[House Cathak]] held that the Legion ought have placed the whole of the 5th and 6th Dragons in Rabenna, and pooled Exalted officers in order to create a vanguard unit as directed in the [[Thousand Correct Actions of the Upright Soldier]]. Dochao’s critique was far different, that what troops were salvaged from the defeat were saved through the individual initiative of the unit commanders, and had their units been better trained and equipped for independent action and inter-Dragon coordination, the outcome would have been far different.
3rd Dragonlord [[Sesus Halaud]] (slain) <br />
The name 'Ravaging of Rabenna' was assigned to the battle both due to the severity of the assault and the numerous stories of horror and violence visited on the population of the city after it fell, the Anathema devouring babies torn from the womb and bathing in the blood of virgins. While accurate information was difficult to come by at the time, and there was little of value left unlooted when Imperial forces finally retook the city, some observers have commented that the city structures themselves were recovered in good order. Rabenna's captive bile bears, however, were released by the Anathema, then hunted for food and sport during the occupation, a severe economic blow to the locals.
- Winglord 1 [[Mnemon Nikkal]] (absent, patrol) <br />
-- Talonlord 1:1 [[Sesus Senbeyn]] (absent, patrol) <br />
-- Talonlord 1:2 [[Cynis Hibare]] (absent, patrol) <br />
- Winglord 2 [[Sesus Tuwana]] (slain) <br />
-- Talonlord 2:1 [[Sesus Kammanu]] (slain) <br />
-- Talonlord 2:2 [[Melon Ball]] (slain) <br />
<br />
4th Dragonlord [[Sesus Naomasa]] (withdrew) <br />
- Winglord 1 [[Sesus Naobiki]] (slain, mortal) <br />
-- Talonlord 1:1 [[Sesus Naotsugu]] (withdrew) <br />
-- Talonlord 1:2 [[Second Bastard]] (slain) <br />
- Winglord 2 [[Sesus Naotaki]] (absent, Rabenna) <br />
-- Talonlord 2:1 [[Cynis Irigunto]] (withdrew) <br />
-- Talonlord 2:2 [[Blade of Ascending Iron]] (absent, Rabenna) <br />
<br />
6th Dragonlord [[Mnemon Borodir]] (absent, Rabenna) <br />
- Winglord 1 [[Sesus Liliara]] (absent, Rabenna) <br />
-- Talonlord 1:1 [[Sesus Arbela]] (absent, Rabenna) <br />
-- Talonlord 1:2 [[Water Child]] (slain, ‘mortal’) <br />
- Winglord 2 [[Cathak Pulcher]] (withdrew) <br />
-- Talonlord 2:1 [[Peleps Heartlance]] (slain, mortal) <br />
-- Talonlord 2:2 [[Nirik the Spear]] (slain) <br />
<br />
12th Slinger Dragonlord [[Nellens Jadeon]] (slain, ‘mortal’) <br />
-- Winglord 1 [[Nellens Treasure]] (withdrew, ‘mortal’) <br />
-- Talonlord 1:1 [[Niolo Pandercrest]] (slain, mortal) <br />
-- Talonlord 1:2 [[Navado Isesu-born]] (slain, mortal) <br />
- Winglord 2 [[Sesus Osrohene]] (slain, mortal) <br />
-- Talonlord 2:1 [[Noble Blessing]] (slain, mortal) <br />
-- Talonlord 2:2 [[Lantern Post]] (slain, mortal) <br />
<br />
Artillery Talonlord [[Assuri Singijen]] (slain, mortal) <br />
<br />
- 1st Sorcerer Scalelord [[Sesus Lantus]] (absent, Isesu) <br />
-- Fanglord [[Endless Flame]] (absent, Isesu) <br />
-- Fanglord [[Pechpipat Supvarodom]] (absent, Rabenna) <br />
-- Fanglord [[Mnemon Hammuri]] (absent, Isesu) <br />
-- fanglord [[Cathak Salah]] (slain) <br />
<br />
[[Category:Battles]] [[Category:Conflicts involving the Imperial Legions]] [[Category:RY765]]
[[Category:Battles]] [[Category:Conflicts involving the Imperial Legions]] [[Category:RY765]]

Latest revision as of 23:33, 17 August 2015


The Ravaging of Rabenna was a battle in the Campaign against the Anathema-Voivode, following only a few days after the disastrous Fourth Battle of Chumo-Sheh had seen the Anathema-Voivode cross the Thousand Rushes River with her Azerbani army.

A circular city, Rabenna lacks for city walls, the Legion defenders stationed there under dragonlord Mnemon Borodir instead establishing eight Legion camps to serve as perimeter strongpoints, with overall headquarters in the stone-walled compound of the Satrap at the City’s southwestern edge. Borodir himself had inherited command due to delays in the arrival of the 5th Dragon’s dragonlord Sesus Yegeme, who had been held up (along with the 1st Talon of her 1st Wing) in advancing from Isesu by her baggage train, and the decision of 4th Dragon’s dragonlord Sesus Naomasa, new arrived from the battle at Chumo-Sheh, to continue southward escorted by his 1st Wing 1st Talon, so he might reach Isesu and ‘lead the restoration of cohesion to the Legion in strategoi Abeisha’s absence’. The Exarch of Madura had promised a force of ‘ten thousand hunters’ to join Legion troops, but most of those who could be mustered were commoners levied into service… many simply ignored the summons once the Exarch’s men had passed on, others arrived only to find no weapons available to equip them.

Imperial Deployments

Borodir’s order of battle was recovered from the Satrap’s compound following the Liberation of Rabenna, entered into the official histories of the Legion.

Fort North – 6th Dragon 2nd Wing 2nd Talon.
Fort Northeast – Sorcerer Pechpipat Supvarodom, 7th Dragon 2nd Wing 1st Talon.
Fort East – 5th Dragon 1st Wing 2nd Talon.
Fort Southeast –6th Dragon 1st Wing 2nd Talon.
Imperial Satrap’s Compound – Dragonlord Mnemon Borodir, 6th Dragon 1st Wing 1st Talon.
Fort South – 4th Dragon 2nd Wing 1st Talon.
Fort Southwest – 4th Dragon 2nd Wing 2nd Talon.
Fort West – 5th Dragon 2nd Wing 2nd Talon.
Fort Northwest – 5th Dragon 2nd Wing 1st Talon.
Rabenna North – 13th Dragon 2nd Wing, Maduran Militia.

However, in addition to a lack of Maduran forces appearing as expected, on his departure dragonlord Sesus Naomasa removed all but a token fang from Fort South to join his forces, so they might ensure that lines of communication between Rabenna and Isesu remained clear and secure, leaving dragonlord Borodir short of manpower.

The Battle

The understanding of many surviving officers was that Borodir believed the Azerbani army would be unable to siege all of the fortifications at once… if they surrounded one, sling fire from the city and sallies from the other forts would strike their flanks, if they ignored the forts then they would be engaged house to house by the Maduran militias and Legionnaires within the forts would emerge to charge their rear. Alas, Imperial estimates failed to judge either the number or quality of the opposition, and the magics of the Anathema were potent indeed.

It is said that the whole of Fort North was frozen in place at her approach, screaming but unable to flee, as her soldiers scaled the walls and speared each one in turn. It is said that the defenders of the city were gripped with terror and fled en masse to cower in their homes. It is said that the Azerbani brought siege weapons to bear on Legion palisades and shattered them under a barrage of stone and bolt, before sweeping through the breech to gut those with no way out. The forts fell in quick succession, most of their officers recognizing their situations as untenable and attempting to lead breakouts southward to more defensible positions and the rest of the 4th Legion, albeit suffering heavy casualties. A few stories of heroism were carried out of those who stood firm to cover the retreat… dragonlord Borodir is said to have strode forth to battle house to house in search of the Anathema, though none know if he found her. It is said that talonlord Sesus Violatus, commander of the Northeast Fort, took a ballista bolt through the chest and yet still slew three Azerbani warriors before he fell, though he was merely mortal. But, even with such accounts, the fact of the Imperial defeat at Rabenna was undeniable, and coming on the heels of other major catastrophes threw 4th Legion morale to all-time lows.


Several officers and soldiers scattered into the Maduran wilderness, making their way southward to Ceben and Imperial lines while pursued by the victorious Azerbani, fangs and individuals trickling into Ceben for months in the wake of the battle. The largest such force, centered on the 2nd wing of the 4th Dragon under talonlord Blade of Ascending Iron, was saved from destruction by intervention of the 10th Dragon under Sesus Dochao at the Battle of the Thisian Bridge.

Talonlord Mnemon Koleria was cut off by Azerbani troops as they flowed southward, losing the remnants of her unit as she was forced to retreat to the northwest towards the Laran Moor, where she faced the Anathema-Voivode herself at the Battle of Bleakrise Tor.

The battle has been cited by strategoi Sesus Dochao as a clear indication of the need for the reforms he instituted in the 4th Legion upon taking command: Rabenna was defended by two Dragons of troops, but drawn piecemeal from four different Dragons, unable to properly coordinate or operate independently. The historians of House Cathak held that the Legion ought have placed the whole of the 5th and 6th Dragons in Rabenna, and pooled Exalted officers in order to create a vanguard unit as directed in the Thousand Correct Actions of the Upright Soldier. Dochao’s critique was far different, that what troops were salvaged from the defeat were saved through the individual initiative of the unit commanders, and had their units been better trained and equipped for independent action and inter-Dragon coordination, the outcome would have been far different.

The name 'Ravaging of Rabenna' was assigned to the battle both due to the severity of the assault and the numerous stories of horror and violence visited on the population of the city after it fell, the Anathema devouring babies torn from the womb and bathing in the blood of virgins. While accurate information was difficult to come by at the time, and there was little of value left unlooted when Imperial forces finally retook the city, some observers have commented that the city structures themselves were recovered in good order. Rabenna's captive bile bears, however, were released by the Anathema, then hunted for food and sport during the occupation, a severe economic blow to the locals.

Ravaging of Rabenna
Date RY765 Resplendent Earth
Location Rabenna, Madura
Result Decisive Azerbani victory
Scarlet Empire (4th Imperial Legion) Azerban
Mnemon Borodir Anathema-Voivode of Azerban, Laerus Wolfborn
1,170 Realm Legionnaires

500+ Maduran levies

7 Dragonblooded
2,800 Azerbani soldiers

1,500 Maduran soldiers
20 catapults
28 ballistae
1 Solar Anathema
1+ Dragonblooded

2+ Godblooded
Casualties and losses
300+ Realm Legionnaires

100+ Maduran levies
400+ Maduran levies (fled or defected)

3 Dragonblooded
700+ Azerbani soldiers
250+ Maduran soldiers